Social Media 4 SmallBiz: Time to Learn

Social Media 4 SmallBiz: Time to Learn

It’s time. You need to have the tools to market your biz effectively using Social Media, and I want to help!  The courses I taught over the Winter (remember Last winter?!) were full of small business owners just like you and were a success! Since technology is...
Overcome Blog Blocks

Overcome Blog Blocks

  With a bachelor’s degree in psychology, I often find myself ‘counseling’ clients. Therapy session topics vary and they are not always about marketing.  Surprised? Pick a topic, any topic…. Hiring (which often ends in Firing) How to best use an...
Small Business Tools for Small Business Success.

Small Business Tools for Small Business Success.

  Maybe you heard – I’ve been BLABbing the day away!(BLAB is a new live broadcast platform!) I’ve lurked. A few times. I even jumped into a guest seat once or twice until my friend Dorien Morin-van Dam (More In Media) and I decided to put...