Is this you?

You sit at your computer and stare.  You know you need to post something to remind your fans you are here/there and everywhere.

  • Do they know about an upcoming session of classes I’m teaching?
  • Should I tell them about an award I just won?
  • Maybe I can share a funny quote about Mondays.

A lightbulb goes off….How do I build a relationship with my online following (future clients/customers) if I have no idea what to post?


This is me!

I am here to help and I am going to make it real easy!

Each week in October I am going to give you 7 Ideas for Social Media Posts!

You can choose when and where you post them.

You can try them all or pick the ones you think will be best for your followers.  (it’s ok to go out of your comfort zone once in a while!)

Your posts may be as simple as a ‘text only post’ while others if you include a photo may get more traffic – who doesn’t love some eye-candy!

Oh and all of these ideas are totally appropriate for: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest or LinkedIn.





At the end of the 4 week challenge I promise you’ll end up with a variety of posts and increased engagement on your page.  You will also be able to see what type of posts work best for your fans (and which weren’t so popular) helping you focus your energy on what type of content got you the most engagement!!

If you are ready to enhance your current online marketing – you definitely need to give some (or all) of these a try!

Are you ready to Love Your Biz?



P.S. Would love to see how you tackle this challenge! Add the hashtag #lovemybiz so I can follow along! Good Luck!