

What do you do for your business, consistently?

Do you blog?

Do you attend events and network?

Do you pound the pavement or prospect?


I don’t blog (enough), I don’t network (enough), I don’t prospect (enough).

But for the past 12 weeks I have co-hosted a BLAB (live show) with the talented Dorien van Morin…EVERY Tuesday, EVERY week since we both fell in love with the platform.

It is what I do for my business, for myself, consistently. And I do it for you.

We Blab about topics to help small businesses. Maybe you don’t have the budget for support. Maybe you are struggling with how to build your email list. Maybe you’d love to have a business coach to ask a question (us too!) … and we get it. As small business consultants we are supporting our clients (day & night) and we bring real life experiences from businesses we work with to share with you! Join us Tuesdays at 12noon

Truth…. there has been a show (or two) when prior to logging on I thought jeesh, I really should be/could be working on a project, email campaign, or social page for a client but I didn’t. Never. Ever. I showed up and enjoyed every moment, every guest, every ‘props’, every comment, every ‘tell a little bird’ and truth… I have become a better business owner for it.

The ONE HOUR I spend chatting (blab-bing) with Dorien and those that join us is such a good a check in for me. And it is so needed. During our show I am not texting, clicking tabs, creating graphics, reading emails or social posts. I am focused on our topic. Engaging with viewers. Listening to trusted, talented peers. Making new connections. Inspiring fellow business owners. Learning about the latest trends and what might work next for my biz.

I have plenty to learn and I use this hour to grow. It’s as much my time as it is yours.

Would love to hear what you do, consistently, for your growth or for the growth of your business. Feel like sharing?  Tell me in the comments below, via a Tweet, in a Facebook comment or in a private message. I’m here to listen!


Wondering the story behind this blog? Click here to see what sparked/motivated/got me to finally sit down to write (in 2+ months).