I’d say it has become a trend (of mine) to host some of my favorite people on this podcast – I just love talking with business owners who are using the internet to reach their dream clients, makes for a great chat. I hope you take the time to listen to this one…maybe head out for a walk or run!

Recently, during a class at his gym, Justin quietly spoke the words: “Not a Rest, Not a Sprint ” as a way to explain the pace he wanted the members to work within. When I heard these words (he probably didn’t even know he had even said) a light-bulb immediately went off in my sweaty brain.  I remember grabbing my workout journal and writing it down. I thought…this is an approach everyone can practice both during our workouts AND in our marketing…am I right? Not a Rest, Not a Sprint.

Listen in to the podcast to hear Justin’s journey with marketing his gym and what he believes is the Rx way to reach your dream client when marketing online.

Learn more about Justin’s gym here: woodshedstrength.com/
The books Justin mentioned are: Blue Ocean, www.blueoceanstrategy.com/ and The War of Art,stevenpressfield.com/the-war-of-art/

You can also follow Justin’s Gym here:
FB @ WoodshedStrengthandConditioning
IG: @ WoodshedStrong