Let’s Go To The Movies

Let’s Go To The Movies

Movies don’t just show up at the cinemas unannounced. Everyone involved in the production – from the actors to the crew and the whole production company – markets the movie. The actors show up for interviews talking about the project “in the works.” The...
Let’s Go To The Movies

Coffee and Content

My cup runneth over….and I’m not talking about my coffee. It’s all about content ideas. Lots and lots of content ideas. They just don’t stop.   Just like the coffee the waitress in the diner pours when you need it. The steaming hot, delicious coffee that satisfies...
Let’s Go To The Movies

The One Thing

What’s the one thing you need for social media success?   You don’t need all the tools. The most important tool (and the only one you really need) is posting the content that your dream client is craving. Don’t know what to say? Worried that what you say isn’t...
Let’s Go To The Movies

Casual Conversation: Laura Naiser

  Meet Laura Naiser, a true guide for her clients and someone who has really stepped into her own as a life coach this year. She was a guest expert in my private mentorship and what she shared about self-sabotage and playing small was so powerful, I couldn’t wait...
Let’s Go To The Movies

Q & A: Using a Scheduler

NEW EPISODE!  Quick and full of details! During Q & As episodes, I will answer the most commonly asked questions I get from clients and members of my community! Have a question or two about how you can Market Your Biz Better? send an email to Deb@ftloyb.com If I...