What Inspires You? Who Inspires You? Just like your car requires gas YOU REQUIRE TO BE INSPIRED!!!! Step away from working in/on your biz and fill your tank with creative ideas! Have you Lost that Lovin’ Feelin’? Watch the replay as I dive in to ways you...
Let’s chat about Element #3: CONFIDENCE!!! Every ounce of belief in what you do and who you serve = an ounce more of confidence and having confidence is non-negotiable!! Ask yourself this question: What is in the way of me sharing my ‘thing’ with my...
Do you know who your dream client is? Today I am chatting about Element #2…YOUR DREAM CLIENT! Every day this week I will be LIVE to talk more about each of the elements that make up the “LOVEYOURBIZ Map” a tool I created to help you!!! 💕 When you...
Element 1 of 5: YOUR THING!!! What makes you famous? What makes you different? What makes you special? I challenge you to share in the comments below!!! Register for my Virtual Coffee Chat on Tuesday May 15th @ 12:15pm >> http://bit.ly/CoffeeChatMay Every day this...
You intentionally brush your teeth. You intentionally food shop. You intentionally exercise. Shouldn’t you use intention when marketing too? Watch the REPLAY now to hear more about HOW to get more intentional marketing your biz. Still unsure of what this means...
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